Appreciating our Faculty, Staff and Graduate Assistants - April 5, 2024

Dear Faculty, Staff and Graduate Assistants,   

With the end of the spring semester in sight, I want to take a moment to thank all of you for everything you do for the university.  Our faculty, staff and graduate assistants help advance our university and all contribute to student success and research excellence. 

This week was Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week, and I want to first thank our graduate assistants for the work they do to support our university, our faculty and our students.  Graduate assistants provide course instruction, tutor students, and conduct cutting-edge research, all while pursuing advanced degrees.  They contribute to both the success of our undergraduate students and our faculty. As a way to show our appreciation for our graduate students, the Graduate School & International Education hosted several events this past week.   

Next week is Faculty Appreciation Week, and I’m grateful to our faculty for the work they do every day to further our land-grant mission. Over the past year, many faculty received national recognition for their work and have been instrumental in elevating the University of Arkansas’ profile on a national and international level. Our faculty also have a tremendous impact on the future of our society by teaching, guiding and mentoring our students. These students will contribute to our future workforce, continue innovative research and scholarly activities, and ensure the arts and humanities flourish for many generations to come. Read more about the many events, discounts and giveaways the Office for Faculty Affairs has planned for faculty next week. 

I also want to thank our staff for their dedication to the university and our campus community. Our staff ensure that the university runs smoothly, which includes everything from maintaining our student housing, to assisting faculty in research labs, to planning student activities, and providing academic support to our students.  Our staff help create a vibrant community for our students, aid in our students’ academic success and support faculty in their scholarship. Later this spring, the university will honor our staff with the annual Staff Celebration Picnic. More details about the picnic will be available soon. 

In addition to expressing my gratitude, I have a few more updates I’d like to share with you. 

  • The Provost’s Office has updated its website at We worked to make the website easier to navigate and find the information you need quickly.   
  • We have launched our Summer on the Hill website and campaign for 2024, which aims to encourage enrollment during the summer semester. Feel free to share the website within your units. 
  • The MapMyCampus Survey was recently sent to our campus community to help us gather feedback on the physical space our faculty, staff and students use throughout the university.  If you haven’t done so already, please complete this survey and provide us with your thoughts on how we can improve the spaces you use every day.  
  • We are transitioning all courses to Blackboard Learn Ultra by fall 2024. Global Campus staff and TIPS provide a variety of resources to help faculty with this transition. 

Thank you again for your service to the University of Arkansas.  Your commitment to our students and our land-grant mission contributes to the university’s overall success, helps expand educational access to all Arkansans and has a lasting impact on our community.  

Best regards, 

Terry Martin, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Professor of Electrical Engineering