Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate holds the following authority as given in the Board of Trustees Policy 810.1:
Article II: The Faculty Senate
A. Authority
1. The Faculty Senate shall exercise general legislative powers for the faculty as outlined in Article I, Section A.
2. The Faculty Senate shall have sole jurisdiction over:
a. admission requirements; transfer of credits; withdrawals; academic honesty; scholastic
probation, suspension, and dismissal;
b. curriculum and courses;
c. degrees and requirements for degrees;
d. award of academic honors;
e. recommendations to the Board of Trustees of the names of individuals to receive
honorary degrees.
Article 1, Section A reads:
Article I: The Faculty
A. Authority
1. The faculty, acting under the Board of Trustees, shall have responsibility for all matters of academic concern. Such matters shall include, but not be limited to:
a. admission requirements; transfer of credits; withdrawals; academic honesty; scholastic
probation, suspension and dismissal;
b. curriculum and courses;
c. degrees and requirements for degrees;
d. University academic calendars and schedules;
e. award of academic honors.
2. The faculty may make recommendations on any institutional matter of faculty concern. Such matters shall include, but not be limited to:
a. policies regarding faculty status, including appointments, promotions, granting
of tenure, retirement, nonreappointment, and dismissal;
b. policies affecting the general welfare, working conditions, and the services performed
by and for the faculty; and
c. policies relating to academic and professional research and other scholarly and
creative activities.
3. The faculty may propose legislation by majority vote of those present and voting at any meeting of the faculty. Such proposed legislation shall be referred to the Faculty Senate for action.
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