Hiring Request
Prior to beginning the process of advertising a vacant position, a Hiring Request must be approved. For guidance in completing and submitting the form, please see the Hiring Request documentation.
Communicate with applicants for open recruited positions that the position is being reviewed for continued recruitment. If the position is not allowed to continue recruitment, applicants should be notified. If it is a classified position, PeopleAdmin will automatically provide the response. All other recruitment efforts will require contact from the department. (suggested text: The University of Arkansas has recently implemented a hiring freeze due to budgetary issues. We very much appreciate your interest and effort in applying for this position. We do hope that you will be willing to continue to be a candidate at the time that we are able to move forward with this position. Thank you for your interest in the University of Arkansas.)
Auxiliary positions, including provisional positions, must follow the same hiring request approval process.
Reclassification requests are exempt from the hiring request process. However, promotion requests must have hiring request approval if filling a vacant position. The hiring request form should only contain a justification for the position and not the name of the person being promoted.
Regular hourly and GA positions are exempted from the hiring request process.
Departments can request a blanket exemption based on need and justification for a maximum number of high turn-over positions, e.g. custodial. The exemption would apply for hiring done within the maximum number of positions approved.
Revised 9/9/13
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