Procedures for Faculty Recording GELO Scores


In May 2018, the faculty senate approved the general education learning outcomes (GELO) that the faculty at the University of Arkansas expect all undergraduate students to accomplish prior to graduation.  The purpose of this project is to ascertain the level in which the students are proficient in these learning outcomes on a 0-4 point scale. This data will be used to write the report to the Higher Learning Commission, the University’s institutional accreditor. 


How to Record GELO Scores

I. Create the General Education Learning Outcome Columns within each Blackboard Section of the course addressing that Learning Outcome using standardized title headings noting the General Education Learning Outcome Number. (i.e. GELO1.1 for General Education Learning Outcome1.1) Note that there are no spaces used in the title. Be sure to set the number of points possible to 0.  Please be sure to hide the column from the students and exclude from grade center calculations.  View these Video Directions created by TIPS.

II. Throughout the course of the semester, gather evidence of students meeting specified learning outcome(s). Keep note of the assignments and activities for questionnaire at end of process (step IV).

III. At the end of the semester, record the level of mastery each student achieved on the corresponding learning outcome in the constructed column in Blackboard. The score should be based on the following 0-4 scale. (It should be noted that only students who earn a 2, 3, or 4 will be considered mastering the learning outcome.)

IV. After your scores are recorded, complete the Microsoft Form noting what activities and/or assignments were used to determine students’ mastery of learning outcomes.

If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to Deborah Korth, Provost’s Fellow for General Education Assessment Project, or your college general education champion.


  • A score of 4 represents outstanding achievement.
  • A score of 3 represents good achievement.
  • A score of 2 represents average achievement.
  • A score of 1 represents poor achievement.
  • A score of 0 indicates no achievement.