About the Provost
The Provost’s Office oversees academic affairs for the university. Academic Affairs consists of faculty and staff that focus on providing academic instruction and support to students to help them achieve academic excellence and ultimately fulfill their career goals. Terry Martin is the provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Arkansas. As the chief academic officer of the university, Provost Martin collaborates with Chancellor Charles Robinson in setting overall academic priorities for the institution. Read more about Provost Martin.
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Offices that Report to the Provost

The dean of each college on campus reports directly to the provost. The Provost's Office also oversees enrollment, admissions, libraries, online and distance education, Air Force ROTC and Army ROTC. The following offices also report to the provost and are a part of the Division of Academic Affairs:
Administrative committees report to the chancellor, provost or a vice chancellor. View a list of committees and guidelines.
The University of Arkansas is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Learn more.
All academic programs at the university are required to maintain an assessment plan and to submit an annual assessment report by June 1 of each year.
All undergraduate and graduate programs, centers, offices and institutes housed in the department are subject to academic program reviews.
The University’s general education complements students' major studies with insights into artistic, humanistic, and scientific contexts, preparing them for lifelong engagement as global citizens.