Distinguished Professor Appointment Committee

Appointed by the Provost

The University of Arkansas (U of A) acknowledges outstanding faculty through conferring the honorific title of "Distinguished Professor".  Appointment as Distinguished Professor is a high honor reserved for only the very best faculty at the U of A in recognition of sustained excellence in the performance of their duties, as defined in Academic Policy 1405.13

The Distinguished Professor Appointment Committee serves as an advisory committee in the review of all nominations for distinguished professors prior to the review by the provost. Their recommendation and rationale will be available in the review and appeals process.

The committee consists of 6 distinguished professors and will be appointed as follows: Half of the members will be appointed by the chair of the Faculty Senate in consultation with the members of the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee of the Faculty Senate. The other half of the committee members will be appointed by the provost in consultation with the chancellor and the deans of the various college/schools. The committee will have representation from at least three colleges/schools/libraries.

The membership of the university committee will be for a term of 3 years, and one-third of the committee is expected to turn over each year. In the first two years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020), the outgoing members will be chosen by lottery.


Jason Norsworthy 2027
Trish Starks 2026
Min Zou 2026
Luti Salisbury 2025
Vernon Richardson 2027
Bill McComas, Committee Chair 2025