Administrative Committees

Administrative committees—whether termed board, council, court or committee—report to the chancellor, provost or a vice chancellor.  Administrative committees are listed alphabetically below.

Administrative Committee Guidelines

Administrative committees have three principal functions: 

  1. to recommend policy
  2. to recommend operating procedures and practices
  3. to recommend adjudications of conflicts or competing needs

The annual period of service for committees is from July 1 to June 30.  The office principally concerned with the activities of a committee will provide reasonable administrative support.  Chairpersons for certain committees are designated by the person to whom they report; some committees elect their chairpersons and some committees are chaired by specified ex officio members.  Each committee selects its own secretary.  Selections of chairpersons and secretaries for the following year shall be accomplished at, or before, the last meeting of the year and reported in the annual report.

A recommendation to implement any changes regarding the description, duties or composition of the committees shall be submitted to the provost.  The recommended changes will be distributed to all the vice chancellors who appoint committees, to the head of the office advised by the committee (if there is one) and to the committee chair for comments.  Following receipt of a recommendation, the provost will submit to the chancellor for approval or modification and will implement and promulgate.

View additional information on committee responsibilities.