Disability Services Committee

Appointed by the Chancellor

The Disability Services Committee includes representatives from key stakeholders from the campus community who are involved with disability-related matters. The committee’s responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:

  • Reviewing compliance with legal requirements regarding disabilities
  • Ensures needs are met for visitors, students, faculty, and staff with disabilities
  • Recommends specific solutions for disability-related concerns to the appropriate university programs and offices. 

The committee meets regularly, but more on an adhoc basis to address accommodation requests and campus access issues

The committee reports to the Chancellor’s Office and is co-chaired by the ADA Coordinator in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance and the Director for the Center for Educational Access.

The committee includes representatives from the following units:

Facilities Management Scott Turley Director of Facility Operations and Management
Parking and Transit

Adam Waddell

Andy Gilbride

Assistant Business Manager

Patrol Service Manager

University IT Ian Czarnezki Assistant CIO
University Relations
(Website Management/
Section 508)
Chris Nixon Director of Digital Strategy
Registrar Gary Gunderman  Enrollment Services
Office of the Provost Jim Gigantino Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Division of Agriculture Barbara Batiste Affirmative Action & Compliance Officer
Human Resources Lisa Milam Director of Recruitment and Workforce Management
Teaching & Faculty Support Center C. Richard Cassady/Carol Shook Industrial Engineering/Information Systems
Center for Educational Access Jennifer Michaud
Director, Center for Educational Access
Office of Equal Opportunity
& Compliance
Aaron McCullough
Director of Accommodations and Accessibility Services
*=ex officio
