Sustainability Council
Appointed by the Provost
The purpose of the University of Arkansas Sustainability Council is to make recommendations to the chancellor and provost and advise the Office for Sustainability (OfS) in implementing its programs and responsibilities. The Sustainability Council supports the OfS stewardship mission through development and coordination of ideas, information and resources among the university’s student body, academic departments and administrative units to expand the integration of sustainability into operational practices throughout the University of Arkansas and the community. The Sustainability Council is comprised of faculty, staff, students and representatives from the Fayetteville, Arkansas community. All academic and university community representatives are voting members and appointed by their respective unit leaders; extended community representatives are non-voting members of the council, and will serve ex officio from their organizations.
The OfS convenes quarterly Sustainability Council Meetings, scheduled on an annual basis. The OfS director serves as the executive secretary of the council and as the presiding officer for all meetings. The executive secretary will distribute a draft meeting agenda two weeks before the scheduled council meeting. Council members can amend and revise the agenda until one week prior to the meeting, when a final agenda will be circulated and posted on the OfS website. Council members will represent their organizations at the council meetings and in appropriate work groups, with each council member participating in at least one work group. Council members will identify an alternate representative to attend council meetings in the event they cannot attend. If a member or their alternate is unable to participate in two council meetings within an academic year the executive committee will advise the provost to replace them.
Membership consists of: academic unit representatives nominated by the appropriate dean; one representative, nominated by the Sustainability Council executive committee, from Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, Office of Business Affairs, Division of University Development, University Housing, Alumni Association, University Relations, University of Arkansas Foundation, Razorback Foundation, Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, and the Transit and Parking Department; and one community representative from UA Service Providers, Technology Development Foundation, and Fayetteville Director of Sustainability, all serving as non-voting ex officio members. The executive committee of the Sustainability Council shall consist of the Associated Student Government president (or designated representative), executive director of the Office for Sustainability, associate vice chancellor for Facilities Management, and executive secretary for the Office of Sustainability.
Ken McCown Co-chair |
Director, Sustainability Academic Programs | standing |
Scott Turley Co-chair |
Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities Management |
standing |
Eric Boles | Executive Secretary Office of Sustainability |
standing |
Mason Berres | President or designee Associated Student Government |
2025 |
Elvis F. Elli | Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Science | 2027 |
Carl Alan Smith | Fay Jones School of Architecture | 2026 |
Kusum Naithani | J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences | 2026 |
Jon Johnson | Sam M. Walton College of Business | 2027 |
Vinson Carter | College of Education and Health Professions | 2026 |
Darin Nutter | College of Engineering | 2026 |
Claire Luchkina | Honors College | 2027 |
Abi Moser | Global Campus | 2027 |
Guymon Hall | Graduate School | 2027 |
Sara Rollet Gosman | School of Law | 2027 |
Necia Parker-Gibson | University of Arkansas Libraries | 2025 |
Adnan Alrubaye | Faculty Senate | 2024 |
TBA | Staff Senate | |
Whitney Elizabeth Smith | Office of Business Affairs | 2026 |
TBA | University Development | |
Brent Schlotfeldt | University Housing | 2026 |
Becky Afonso | Alumni Association | 2025 |
Matt McGowan | University Relations | 2025 |
TBA | University of Arkansas Foundation | |
TBA | Razorback Foundation | |
Matt Trantham | Department of Intercollegiate Athletics | 2025 |
TBA | Transit and Parking Department | |
TBA | Graduate and Professional Student Congress | |
Morgan Stout (Chartwells) | UA Service Providers** | ex-officio |
Bruce Wooldridge | Technology Development Foundation** | ex-officio |
Peter Nierengarten | Fayetteville Director of Sustainability** | ex-officio |
**=ex officio non-voting