Conflict of Interest & Commitment Review Committee

Appointed by the Provost

The Conflict of Interest & Commitment Review Committee (CICRC) is responsible for reviewing conflicts of interest and commitment issues referred to it, and recommending remedies for resolving, reducing or eliminating potential or real conflicts.

The provost shall appoint tenured faculty to the CICRC based on recommendations from the deans of the several colleges. Such appointments shall include one tenured faculty member each from the Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences; the Sam M. Walton College of Business; the College of Education and Health Professions; the College of Engineering and the School of Law, and two tenured faculty members from the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences (one from the arts, humanities or languages and one from biological, physical or social sciences). In addition, one faculty representative shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate, and one staff representative shall be appointed by the Staff Senate. Individual appointments shall be for three years. The dean of the Graduate School and International Education shall recommend one graduate student who shall be appointed for one year. Ex officio, non-voting members to the CICRC shall include: vice chancellor for research and innovation (chair), vice chancellor for finance and administration, director of the Office of Research Compliance, and general counsel or representative.

Amanda Terrell Dale Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences 2025
Zach Steelman Sam M. Walton College of Business 2025
Anna Jarrett College of Education and Health Professions 2025
Kevin Hall College of Engineering 2025
Sharon Foster School of Law 2025
Charles Muntz (HIST) J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences (arts, humanities or languages ) 2026
Mahmoud Moradi J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences (biological, physical or social sciences) 2027
Samantha Robinson Faculty at Large 2027
Kaitlyn Riggin Director of UA Cares 2026
Kadesha Treco Graduate student 2025
Margaret E. Sova McCabe, Chair Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (Interim) ** Ex-Officio
Ann Bordelon Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration** Ex-Officio
Cynthia Sides Director, Office of Research Integrity and Compliance** Ex-Officio
Bill Kincaid General Counsel representative** Ex-Officio

** - Ex-Officio, Non-voting
