Committee Responsibilities

A quorum (more than 50 percent of the members) is required to conduct business. Committees will meet at the call of the chairperson or on petition of more than 25 percent of the members. A minimum of two meetings shall be held each year; more meetings are encouraged as concerns and needs require. Each committee shall keep minutes and distribute them promptly to all members with the official copy to be filed in the Office of the Provost.

An annual report of that year's activities shall be filed by June 30 of each year by the chairperson with the Office of the Provost. The report should be submitted in electronic format, as a Word document. It should be succinct, but comprehensive, and should give prominence to any recommended revisions in policies, practices, and procedures of the university. The name of the person elected to chair the committee the following year should also be included in the report. The Office of the Provost will distribute copies of the annual reports to the chancellor and other vice chancellors.

The provost is responsible for keeping the official file for administration committee activities and membership.

No later than June 30 each year, the appointing official for each committee should send a list of the members (new and continuing) with the chairperson indicated to the Office of the Provost. Recommended changes in committee structure, function, or membership should be reported promptly to that office. The provost will provide official committee structure, function, and membership for publication on the university website.